* Russian


There are six vowels in Russian, /i 1 e a o u/ . In unaccented position /e/ and /o/ undergo reduction and are symbolized as /i a/ respectively.

Accented vowels are shown by an immediately preceding symbol ".

        SAMPA symbol    Keyword         English gloss

        i               m'"ir           peace

        1               m"1S            mouse

        e               Z1l'"e          jelly

        a               p"ara           pair            

        o               g"orat          city

        u               tul"up          crude

There are 36 consonants in Russian, as follows. The symbol ' (apostrophe, ASCII 39), written after the consonant symbol, denotes palatalization. Most consonants come in pairs, "hard" (non-palatalized) and "soft" (palatalized).


        p               p"Il'           dust

        p'              p'"it'          to drink

        b               b"1t'           to be

        b'              b'"1t'          to beat

        t               t"ost           toast

        t'              t'"en'          shadow

        d               d"1m            smoke

        d'              d'"en'          day

        k               k"ot            cat

        k'              k'"it           whale

        g               g"us'           goose

        g'              g"'ipk'ij       flexible


        ts              ts"ep'          chain

        tS'             tS'"aj          tea
Where the corresponding sounds are separated by a morpheme boundary, this is shown by the symbol -:
        t-s             d'"et-skij              childish

        t-S'            p'ir'iv"ot-S'ik         interpreter


        f               f"ars           farce

        f'              f'"iz'ika       physics

        v               v"aza           vase

        v'              v'"iza          visa

        s               s"1n            son

        s'              s'"ena          hay

        z               z"apax          smell

        z'              karz'"ina       basket

        S               S"ar            ball

        S':             S':"uka         pike

        Z               Z"1r            fat

        x               xl'"ep          bread

        x'              x'"itr1j        cunning


        m               m"aj            May

        m'              m'"ata          mint

        n               najt'"i         find

        n'              n'"it'          thread

        l               l"utS'          ray

        l'              l'ub"of'        love

        r               kr"ap           crab

        r'              r'"ezat'        cut

        j               ij"ul'          July


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Maintained by J.C. Wells. Created 1997 April 30 on the initiative of Yury Y . Shtyrov. Revised 1997 11 25, 97 12 12

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