SAMPA - europ?isch

SAMPA computer readable phoneme alphabet for European languages,
with ASCII and IPA definitions (1990)


b        98       voiced           bilabial                  plosive
c        99       voiceless        palatal                    plosive
C        67       voiceless        palatal                    fricative
d        100      voiced           dental/alveol.             plosive
D        68       voiced           dental                     fricative
f        102      voiceless        labiodental                fricative
g        103      voiced           velar                      plosive
G        71       voiced           velar                      fricative
h        104      voiceless        glottal                    fricative
j        106                       palatal                    approximant
k        107      voiceless        velar                      plosive
l        108                       dental/alveol.             lateral approximant
L        76                        palatal                    lateral approximant
m        109                       bilabial                   nasal
n        110                       dental/alveol.             nasal
J        74                        palatal                    nasal
N        78                        velar                      nasal
p        112      voiceless        bilabial                   plosive
r        114                       alveolar                   trill
R        82                        uvular                     trill/fricative
s        115      voiceless        alveolar                   fricative
S        83       voiceless        postalveolar               fricative
t        116      voiceless        dental/alveol.             plosive
T        84       voiceless        dental                     fricative
v        118      voiced           labiodental                fricative
w        119                       labial-velar               approximant
x        120      voiceless        velar                      fricative
H        72                        labial-palat.              approximant
z        122      voiced           alveolar                   fricative
Z        90       voiced           postalveolar               fricative
?        63                        stod, glottal stop

Boundary and prosodic features

:        58       length mark
"papa    34       Primary stress (also in Accent I words in Norwegian
                  and Swedish
""papa   34,34    Accent II words in Norwegian and Swedish
%papa    37       Secondary stress
-papa    45       Level tone (if followed by a tone group boundary)
'papa    39       Rising tone
`papa    96       Falling tone
`'papa   96,39    Fall-rise
'`papa   39,96    Rise-fall
$        36       Syllable boundary
|        124      Tone group boundary
-        45       Separator


a        97       open             front    unrounded
A        65       open             back     unrounded
{        123      near-open        front    unrounded         E bad
6        54       near-open        central  unrounded         G Butter
Q        81       open             back     rounded
O        79       open-mid         back     rounded
e        101      close-mid        front    unrounded
E        69       open-mid         front    unrounded
@        64       mid              central  unrounded         Schwa
3        51       mid              central  unrounded
i        105      close            front    unrounded
I        73       near-close       front    unrounded         lax
o        111      close-mid        back     rounded
2        50       close-mid        front    rounded
9        57       open-mid         front    rounded
&        38       open             front    rounded
u        117      close            back     rounded
U        85       near-close       back     rounded           lax
}        125      close            central  rounded
V        86       open-mid         back     unrounded
y        121      close            front    rounded
Y        89       near-close       front    rounded           lax

Two character symbols

e~       69,126                    Example of nasalized vowel
aI       97,73                     Example of diphthong
tS       116,83                    Example of affricate
rd       114,100                   Example of retroflex consonant
u0       117,48                    Mid-close rounded central vowel in Swedish
=n       61,110                    Example of syllabic /n/
E/       69,47                     Example of indeterminacy (for /e/~/E/
                                   indeterminacy in French)

Currently under discussion

*        42       Conjunctor
...      46,46,46         Silent pause
\        92        Phonetic case shift (e.g. \*F might be used to
                   signal a shift into French and \ would terminate
                   the shift)

Currently used in French work

&                 Phonological phrase
#        35       Word boundary
##       35,35    Absence of liaison
+        43       Morpheme boundary

Dafydd Gibbon

Sun Nov 19 13:51:33 MET 1995

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