Symbol Word Transcription p pak pAk b bak bAk t tak tAk d dak dAk k kap kAp g goal go:l (only foreign/loan-words)The fricatives are f v s z x (G) h:
f fel fEl v vel vEl s sein sEin z zijn zEin x toch tOx G goed Gut (also xut) h hand hAnt Z bagage bAga:Z(@) S show So:uThe sonorants (nasals, liquids and glides) are m n N l r w j:
m met mEt n net nEt N bang bAN l land lAnt r rand rAnt w wit wIt j ja ja:Vowels
The checked vowels aew I E A O Y @:
I pit pIt E pet pEt A pat pAt O pot pOt Y put pYt @ gemakkelijk G@"mAk@l@kThe free vowels comprise four monophthongs i y u a:, three "potential diphthongs" e: 2: o:, and three "essential diphthongs" Ei 9y Au, exemplified as follows:
i vier vir y vuur vyr u voer vur a: naam na:m e: veer ve:r 2: deur d2:r o: voor vo:r Ei fijn fEin 9y huis h9ys Au goud xAutThere are also six vowel sequences which are sometimes described as diphthongs:
a:i draai "dra:i o:i mooi "mo:i ui roeiboot "ruibo:t iu nieuw "niu yu duw "dyu e:u sneeuw "sne:uSeveral marginal vowel phonemes are only found in loanwords:
E: cr?me krE:m 9: freule fr9:l@ O: roze rO:z@
UCL Phonetics and Linguistics home page, University College London home page.
Maintained by J.C. Wells. Created 1995 09 19. Last modified 1996 03 18
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